And the thing that will make them ring
Is the carol that you sing,
Right within your heart."
Well, I'm getting there...ready for Christmas that is! Every year I make a plan to be organized, simplify, and stay focused on the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. I've omitted a few things that were on my Christmas "to do" list, like attempting to have a party for friends. Who has time for that or even to GO to one? I mean Christmas parties are nice but you can have a party ANYTIME, right? So why try to fit another big event into an already busy season? Oh, I know, we want everyone to see our beautiful Christmas decorations. Am I right?
I mean, we DO go to all that work of getting all those tubs of decorations out of storage and decking the halls ( ie the WHOLE HOUSE ) with boughs of holly. So we want people to see it! After all it IS BEAUTIFUL! I get it. I love the decorations also and want others to see the loveliness.
So this year as I have done in seasons past, I am slowing down some of the activities to take time to appreciate the Reason For The Season.
I am taking time to sit down once a day with a cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa, Christmas Tree lit, and read a Christmas devotional.
I'll just sit, relax, and enjoy the Season, and the Reason.
It's such a good time to share but too busy for most everyone! I love the pinecones...makes me want to find more of them for my decor! Happy holidays my friend. Hugs, Diane