Tuesday, August 21, 2018


                                                    Out of organizing find simplicity.

As I've mentioned in previous posts I'm working on simplifying my life. This means different things to different people. Right now for me, in this stage of my life, it means de-cluttering. Next year we will have been married 50 years! Yikes! I can't even believe I'M 50, much less being married that long! Anyhoo, you can imagine what you can collect in that amount of time. Especially when your husband is a pack rat like mine. He has a hard time letting go of everything!

I've been cleaning out drawers, cupboards and closets one at a time. I'm doing things in "baby steps" so as not to mess up the whole house when de-cluttering. If I emptied one whole closet in a day I would probably have a mess and not know what to do with it. Therefore, "baby steps". Not to mention the time it would take. But I CAN find a 1/2 hour in my day to do one section of something. The other day I mentioned to Les that I was going to clean out the "drinking glasses" cupboard and he said, " Well, don't do it unless I'm here!" He wouldn't be able to let go of all the plastic cups he gets every time he buys something to drink. Like a lemonade at the fair. And he buys special glasses that go with special non alcoholic fancy drinks when we travel and go to a restaurant. And travel mugs and mugs with fun sayings and on and on. These things clutter up the cupboard but he just can't let go of them. I'm tempted to do it when he's not here but he would not be a happy camper with that. So I'm going to have to "allow" him to pick a couple of favorites to save and then de-clutter from there.  

The simplifying and organizing bug got me to thinking about the items I have to sell that are great for organizing and yet add charm to any decor. I've gone through and picked out some to keep but I have some that I will be adding to our Etsy Shop. Without being conscious of it, I actually have bought a lot of things that are great organizing items that are also charming pieces. Simplifying is in the back of my mind at all times.

I thought I'd share them here. Only a couple of them are listed in our shop right now but others will be soon. They would be great for organizing anything but my daughter, who is now homeschooling her 1st grade daughter,  also pointed out that they would be great for Home School Moms. She has a few things she found for herself as we do this business together. She likes to keep her organizing items natural wood so these were right up her alley.

And there's MORE....

You can just go to my Etsy Shop here to see the smaller items that are already listed and some others not shown here.  Have fun looking!

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