I just purchased this vintage wooden rocking horse from Craigslist! I love it! It has a leather saddle with metal stirrups. One stirrup has fallen off but can easily be fixed so we will get right on that! This would look great in any Farmhouse decor, horse lover's homes, and well, any number of decor styles! And how sweet would it look at Christmas with a wreath around it's neck?
I'm smitten with the little metal wheels!
It is fairly big and quite heavy!
I would love to keep this but I don't really have room for it! The owners said they purchased it at an antique shop 30 years ago and they are now downsizing. Which is something I should be doing...So I guess it will be for sale at our Memorial Day occasional sale.
I'm linking up with:
Home and Garden Thursday at A Delightsome Life
VERY cool! Well done, good finder!
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness I want THAT HORSE....he is so beautiful....what a great find