We just finished Gold Rush, one of Minnesota's largest Antique Show and Flea Markets! Les ( with granddaughter, Brianna's help ) really took on this project because he enjoys working alongside some guys he knows. They have a lot of fun! He also learned some new lingo, like the "Be Backers" ( people who say they will be back, but don't come back ), and the "Looky Lou's" ( people who are just looking ). Personally, I have been BOTH of these kinds of people. ; )
Helper, Brianna |
We sold some stuff but it was a lot of work! First of all, it was HOT and HUMID. At least we were in a building where the sun didn't beat down on us. Some poor folks had to bear the sweltering heat all day under the sun. It was in the upper 90's with high humidity. Ugh! There were also fans in our building and we had plenty of water so it was somewhat bearable.
In the short time that I helped out, I was mistaken for Bri's "Mother" instead of her "Grandmother" so that made my day!
Some young lady bought this old wedding photo and said, "This is going to be my new family".
I wish I had taken more photos but I was busy running back and forth between the antique show, helping my Mom who had just had a knee replacement, and taking time to celebrate family birthdays with a dinner. It was a busy but fun weekend!
In the short time I was at the show I found a nice library table that I thought would be a good fit for our upcoming Hob Nobber sale. But instead of buying it, I traded it for the vintage horse above. I was kind of sad to see the horse go because I really liked it. I kept it in our living room between sales but since it didn't sell at our last Hob Nobber sale I decided I could let it go in this trade. I know I'm going to miss it but I can't keep everything! I think we both got a good deal in the trade!
I didn't go because of the weather...nice that you could trade treasures.