Tuesday, October 23, 2012



My Mom, Marjorie.

This morning I'm sharing my gold flowered Royal Albert tea cup. The design is called Marjorie. The cup was my Grandmother's as are most of my tea cups. My mother's name is Marjorie so this cup was given to my Grandmother because of the name.

The Marjorie with my "Harvest Girl" napkin holders.

Notice the "Marjorie" at the bottom of the cup.

I have a book about tea that shares the origins of tea. It says, " Around 4,700 years ago, so the story goes, wild tea leaves fell into a pot of boiling water. The resulting infusion was sipped by the legendary Chinese emporer Shen Nung, the divine healer." "It quenches thirst," he noted. "It lessens the desire for sleep. It gladdens and cheers the heart."

It goes on to say that the "Chinese have woven tea into their stories, their philosophy, their art, and their literature as well as into aspects of their daily life."

Thereafter, different countries adopted their own tea habits. " The tea-drinking habit was probably brought to the east coast of the United States by Dutch settlers. Tea pleasure gardens sprang up, where people could meet, drink, walk, see, and be seen", explains the "Tea" book.

What are YOUR tea habits?

Today I'm joining tea parties at the following blogs:

Martha's Favorites
Rose Chintz Cottage


  1. Hi Sandy,
    So nice you have joined me for tea today and how lovely you have that teacup! I love your Marjorie, and I have one exactly like it only mine is aqua and it's called Veronica. It is also Royal Albert.
    Your mother is so cute in her photo and I love her shoes! Thank you for sharing and have a beautiful day.


  2. How charming, Sandy! The history of the cup and the tie-in with your mother's name is sweet~ Hmm, what are my tea time habits? I rarely use tea bags because I prefer the quality, taste and ritual of preparing good tea leaves the old fashioned way. This requires patience, haha. I use a timer for steeping and turbinado or honey for sweetening. I enjoy tea alone or with lovely companions, and I Never stick my pinkie in the air! :D

  3. I love your beautiful cup and saucer with the lovely yellow flowers and filigree. The Royal Albert china is always wonderful in this shape and your Mother's name as the pattern of Marjorie is special. I am sure your Grandmother enjoyed it and now you have a family treasure. The photo of your Mother is very sweet and she is a pretty girl. My Mother just celebrated her 90th birthday but will not tell people her age, so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks, Pam

  4. I LOVE your teacup! And what a wonderful photo of your mom! My tea habits??? Lots of it...at least 3 cups during the day. Mostly black with green, white and flavored blacks thrown in with the ocassional Sleepytime at night! Ahhh tea!

  5. Your Marjorie cup is very sweet! I love yellow flowers on a cup. My dear Aunts name was Marjorie, I always loved that name. Your mum btw looks very sweet.
    Tea history really is fascinating. I have read a book on it, but need to go back and re read to remember! lol!

  6. Very cute teacup! Also nice to teacup and your grandmother have the same name. It is exciting to read about the history of tea drinking. I send you a warm hug from Sundsvall, Sweden! Zinnia

  7. Thank you for sharing your pretty Marjorie teacup and I enjoyed seeing the picture of your mother. It took me back in time and to sweet memories. I remembered playing on our porch in black and white oxfords when I was little and I loved those shoes.

  8. Love the picture of your mom, I love seeing those old pictures of people we love. My new blog "The Pink Geranium", is dedicated to my mom. Her second hand store in the 70's had that name.

    The teacup is even colored for fall!


  9. Regarding your quote, tea definitely gladdens the heart. Beautiful cup, Miss Hobnobber.

  10. What a wonderful photo of your Mom! I love tea but don't drink much. I may change that this winter!

  11. Love the photo of your Mom, brings back great memories. I too have a (small) collection of tea cups handed down from grandma to mom and now to me. Thanks for sharing yours.
