Thursday, February 20, 2014


If you are following my "Living Intentionally" workshop, thanks for hanging in there with me! I've been away from my blog more than expected due to trying to just "live my intentional life". Lots of planned fun with kids, grandkids, and family, and then some unexpected but important stuff! The events were all on my intentional list so I was feeling good about it. But somehow, blogging wasn't on my intentional list. Oops! Guess  I have  to get it in there somewhere! Hah!

This post is the 5th in a series of posts of how to "live intentionally".  If you want to see the rest of the posts in this series, look at the bottom of this post and find the words "Living Intentionally" next to "labels" and click onto the title.

One of the things I suggested you do is to make an ongoing list of things in each category that you can do to fulfill that intention. To refresh, the categories are: Personal (mind), Personal (body), Personal (spirit); Home; Work/ Business; Finances; Relationships; Giving/Serving. Keep adding ideas to the list of things you might do to be intentional about in each category. On my list to be intentional in my Relationships,  I've first listed people in my life that I want to grow my relationships with. Then I started my list for each. For example, I listed my grandchildren with my intention to build wonderful relationships, memories, and be a role model and spiritual influence in their lives. Here are some of the ideas I have for being intentional to follow through with my intention.

Traditional Christmas Cookie Baking with Gramma's old aprons

At the park with Grampa

At a dinner theatre

...go to their sporting and school events
...encourage them through cards via snail mail
...have overnights at our house
...have Gramma Camp in the summer
...celebrate their success'
...take lots of pictures with them
...share with them how God has worked in my life traditions with them

Panera outing with Gramma, wearing matching hats.

Making pickles with Gramma at Gramma Camp

I have many more specific examples on my list but this list is something I use to refer to, to be intentional about the kind of relationship I want to have with my grandchildren. There are books with lots of great ideas for you in this area and especially helpful are the ideas given that show how you can have a great relationship with your grandkids even if they live far away.

I keep adding to my list when I find new creative ideas in books, magazines, and on the internet. But even a simple phone call telling them how much you love them can be a special encouragement not to be overlooked.

You may not have grandchildren but you can make lists of ideas of how you can build better relationships with those people in your life that you care about. It is important to be intentional in the area of relationships especially as relationships are probably the most important area of your life.

Living Intentionally in your relationships means first making a decision about the kind of person you want to be in the lives of others. Secondly, to take action  in that relationship so your actions line up with your decisions.


  1. What a beautiful post !
    Great !
    Very creative ways to live life totally alive all the time meaningfully :)

  2. Thanks for your nice comment, Rajiv!

  3. I love that you are doing this with your grandchildren. This is really special.
