Tuesday, January 6, 2015


In a couple of previous posts I shared a couple of "intentions" that I'm planning on incorporating into my life in 2015. I like to use the word "intentions" rather than "goals" or "resolutions" as it seems less intimidating...in my opinion. Anyway, I didn't take the time to explain how I set my "intentions" so I thought I'd share that before I add any more.

I created a list of  areas of my life that seem to encompass 6 categories. I then created "intentions" in each area that I would like to have happen in 2015. I use these categories in different ways as well. Like when I create plans for my Dream Life. I offered a free online workshop on this a couple of years ago.

My life seems to "fit" in the following general categories:
1) Relationships
2) Personal ( mind, body, spirit)
3) Work/Business
4) Giving ( time, serving, money )
5) Finances
6) Home

Do these areas fit your life as well? What might your list consist of?  I'm a Christian but I don't place "God" as a separate category  because He fits into all areas of my life.

I have a notebook in which to list my intentions and try to complete some every month. In each area I may have more than one "intention" but I have at least one in each area. The previous intentions that I posted about were: 1) Finances: I will create a spending plan for 2015 and 2) Home: I will create a calm and relaxing atmosphere in my home. I try to keep my intentions "fun" and fairly easy to follow through with, trying not to set myself up for failure. But I don't mind being challenged by them either. I do need to stretch myself and grow after all!

I'll be sharing some of my intentions throughout the year and how I'm doing with it all.  I've created my 2015 spending plan and so far it's working! Hah! I know it's only the first week but sometimes you have to celebrate even the little accomplishments! Now I am getting all the details together to create our relaxing and calm home atmosphere...after I get all the Christmas decorations out the door. We put most of them away but it's hard to let go of some of them when I only see them once a year. Still...onto 2015, right? These things are next to move on...
Handmade fabric tree

My vintage Santa and handmade pillow

My little Charlie Brown Christmas tree...

 But I just might keep the following treasures a bit longer...
My Carolers...they may be singing until Valentine's Day!

Pom Poms I made with instructions from Miss Mustard Seed. I'm thinking I can keep these snowballs all winter.

Why not add some snowballs to a lamp?

And a fun vintage find...a vintage wreath of bells...hard to see here because of the light and not so great camera...In the background you can see our "backyard"...where we spotted...( getting off track a bit here )

Not one, but FIVE deer. By the time we retrieved our camera 4 of them had gone downhill through the woods to the lower garden

The last one ran back and forth seeming afraid to make his way down the steep embankment but finally found a path and joined the others. We see deer often up here but not so many together. There are also 5 turkeys seen often together just turkey trotting down the road or eating passively in someone's yard.

Haha! I just realized I'm "blogging" like I "think"...kind of going from one topic to the next. But that photo of the backyard ( behind the bell wreath ) reminded me of the deer we just saw!

And, going off track again, you might want to  read more about where we live and see all these  animals. To do that go to the page under my header titled, "The Plummer House".

The next intention I'll be sharing about will be in the category "Personal; the mind". Yeah, don't miss that one! ; )


  1. I like the idea of calling them "intentions." May we all live with such purpose! Good for you for sticking to your budget so far!! That's hard to do.

    Love the pom poms, too. XOXO

  2. These are good 'intentions to have. May you have success with each of them.
    I too am working on some of these same ones.
