Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I've started decorating for Easter. I've brought out the bunnies, chicks, and Easter tree, but I'm also going to try to be a bit crafty this year. I've been inspired by PINTEREST as you already know if you've been reading my posts. But instead of continuing to keep adding "pins", I've started to try out some things that I "pinned".

FYI  : Simply explained..." pin" is a picture of something, "pinned" is posting one of these on my  Pinterest site ( or board )  It's kind of like having your own online bulletin board or vision board.

Anyway,  from my pins I've tried a couple of excellent recipes, made  a Valentine card for my Grandson to give, tried out some cleaning ideas, and am using LOTS of new organizing ideas which I talk about on my new blog, A Well Ordered Life. But back to Easter and my attempt at being creative. I thought I'd try decorating a box and then came across this  old box at a sale in my hobnobbing for treasures:

It's a round vintage box covered in newspaper print with little Easter grass inside. It had wooden Easter eggs in it but I decided to use  the box  as a base for my project. I liked the idea that it was old. So then I found these cute yellow buds:

And this little yellow bird:

And this green glittery ribbon, and cute vintage-style stickers with words:
And maybe I'll find a few more bits and bobs and put them together and see what comes out! I'll share them in another post very soon. In the meantime here are a couple of my Easter chicks and bunnies:


And here are a few vintage Easter postcards for you...

And come back tomorrow as I'll be showing you a few treasures I've already found for the Labor Day Sale!


  1. I love all of the pretty things for Easter. Thanks for sharing the vintage cards!

  2. I love the pastel colors of springtime! They brighten my day! Enjoy the cards!
