Wednesday, June 3, 2015


The day after our Spring Sale we met to "divide up the tags" and count the money.

Renee brought a nice lunch for us. A gourmet salad with poppy seed dressing, beets, and open face beef and cheese sandwiches on brown bread. Yum!

We are still "old school" about how we do things. Everyone has their own style tags so that when a purchase is made, the tags are cut off and saved. So when we sort, we just put each persons tags in separate piles. Our family members have to use our 'family' tags and then distinguish their individual tags in some way. My family puts their initials on the back. Karen's family sometimes uses different punches in the tags. One of her daughters used a skull and crossbones punch this year. Apparently left over from Halloween. We're going to suggest a more " uplifting" punch for next year. However, Renee thought the skull and crossbones was an X and an O so maybe it was OK.

For Karen's tags she buys old cards and ribbon at garage sales. She then carefully cuts out the cute parts of the picture and MATCHES THE CARDS TO THE ITEM FOR SALE! For example, a card for a baby gift would go on one of the vintage toys. She then cuts a small piece of matching colored ribbon and pins or tapes them to the item for sale. They are adorable and everyone comments on them. But who has time for that? Well, apparently Karen does. Except she is just as busy as the rest of us so I'm not sure how she does it! She also manages to bring tons of homemade food to the sale to keep in the kitchen for lunches and break time for everybody! I need her energy!

Soon I'll be posting about some of the items I have left for sale. I'm going to list the furniture and larger items on Craigslist but I'll also show them on the blog here. I am also going to send some things onto an online auction.

If you have something you are wanting but don't have the time or desire to hunt as we do, let me know what you are looking for and what you'd be willing to pay and I'll try and scout it out for you in all our "hunts" and "picking".

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