Saturday, March 19, 2016


Just thought I'd check in and show you some things I've added to my Gwen And Alma's Etsy Shoppe. I have a lot of new fun items, some of which will be saved for our Hob Nobber sale and some listed in my Etsy shoppe.

So if you live too far away to attend our occasional sale, you can find some great things at Gwen And Alma's!


This 1950 laundry detergent tin. It has a little pull out spout for pouring...

This old wood box with little hooks in the front...

This vintage  three L logo teal colored Bell jar with zinc lid ( not shown ).

I listed this Sheffield silver sugar cube tray though I've showed you this previously.

This Chintz sugar and creamer set, Grimwades 1930's...

This is an amazing transferware teal colored tureen from Tunstall England. It was made in the Pitcairn Ltd Company in that city. The company was in business from 1895 to 1901. The pattern is Astoria.

Also listed are these four Spode English egg cups. All are in good condition but I'm throwing in the 5th one free as it does have a chip on the edge.

 These two books are from the late 1800's to early 1900's. Both were owned by a teenage girl named Pearl. Her name is written in both books. After reading these books you feel like you know Pearl in some way. I left a couple of news clippings she left in the book. The red book is a true story telling about the lives of some girls during that time period.

Check out my Etsy shoppe by clicking here.   I will be adding new items weekly until we leave on vacation and then will continue adding more when we get back. ( note to any would-be burglars out there... we have people living at our home when we are on vacation )

Thanks for stopping by!

OH! And don't confuse my Etsy store, "Gwen And Alma's",  with my Amazon Store, Sandy's Vintage Shoppe listed on the pages bar. If you click on that, you can get to the page where I have some items listed on Amazon. But first read about the "happenings around my little shoppe". Then click on the Shoppe name to see what I found for sale at!

1 comment:

  1. I love all these new, indeed, so ancient, items you've added on your Etsy shop, my friend, I'm going and visit you with much joy !
    May your weekend be filled with love,

